Saturday, 24 December 2011

Christmas Coded Message

4 M3RRY CHR157M4S 4ND A H4PPY N3W Y34R T0 4LL 7H3 FUN 4ND M47H P4R7N3R 5CH00L5!!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Wrapping Presents

A Maria está a embrulhar os presentes para os seus amigos e tem fitas azuis, verdes e amarelas. Ela tem também papel de embrulho laranja e encarnado. Quantas combinações de papel e fitas pode a Maria fazer?
Mary is wrapping the presents for her friends and she has blue, green and yellow ribbons. She has also orange and red wrapping paper. How many combinations of paper and ribbons can Mary do?

Christmas Ornaments

O Carlos tem oito anos e decidiu contar os seus enfeites de Natal e reparou que tinha bolas, anjos e estrelas de 5 pontas na sua árvore que perfaziam um total de 33 enfeites :
Então disse à mãe:
- Mãe na nossa árvore temos o mesmo número de bolas que a minha idade, o mesmo número de asas de anjos que a tua e o mesmo número de pontas de estrela que a idade da avó.

a) Que idade poderão ter a mãe e a avó do Carlos?
b) Quantas bolas, anjos e estrelas poderá ter a árvore do Carlos?

Carlos is eight years old and decided to count the Christmas ornaments on his tree and noticed that he had balls, angels and stars in a total of 33 ornaments like these:
Then he said to his mother:
- Mummy, on our tree we have the same number of balls than my age, the same number of angels' wings than your age and the same number of star edges than the age of grandmother.

a) How old could be the mother and the grandmother of Carlos?

b) How many balls, angels and stars may have Carlos' tree?

3rd Grade - Colégio Monte Flor - Portugal

Presents for Everyone

Sabendo que existem no planeta de crianças, faz a estimativa de quantos presentes teriam o Pai Natal e os duendes de fazer por dia, durante um ano com 365 dias?

Knowing that there are 2 billion children on the planet, estimate how many presents have Santa Claus and the elves to make a day in a 365 days year?
3rd Grade - Colégio Monte Flor - Portugal

Thursday, 22 December 2011


Christmas tree equation

Λίγο πριν τα Χριστούγεννα οι μαθητές έψαξαν στην αποθήκη του σχολείου να βρουν τα περσινά χριστουγεννιάτικα δέντρα και να στολίσουν τις 17 αίθουσες του σχολείου. Βρήκαν 6 πράσινα, 8 χιονισμένα και μερικά άσπρα. Πόσα ήταν τα άσπρα δεντράκια;
(να λυθεί με εξίσωση)

Few days before Christmas some pupils went down the school’s basement to find last year’s Christmas trees. They wanted to decorate the 17 study rooms of their school. In the basement they found 6 green trees, 8 trees with fake snow on them and some white trees. How many are the white trees?
(you should solve it using an equation)

Merry Christmas everyone and happy new year 
from the pupils of 6th grade, 13th primary school of Drama, Greece

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Santa wants to find out :-)

Santa Claus has got ten gifts in his bag. He has  to give them to ten kids. One gift has to stay in Santa's bag.So how he's going to give  gifts  to ten kids?


Christmas tree:
Move three matches  to get four triangles.

Santa wants to find out the numbers.

Someone has stolen Santa's wish list. He doesn't know how many presents he still has to prepare. Help him and guess what is the number ?

5 3
3 3 1
2 1 2 1 
1 1 1 1 1  

There are 9 snowmen in the box. They have got 9 baby-snowmen. How many legs are there in the box ? :-) Be wise ;-) 

Rūta , Arminas, Gabrielė and Greda 5 a


Monday, 12 December 2011


How to measure out 1 liter of water when you have got 3 and 5 liter containers?

On the map of Vilnius the distance between the Seimas and the Cathedral Square is 1 cm. The real distance between the objects is 1 km. What is the scale of the map?

Rugilė 5a

Saturday, 10 December 2011



Sunday, 4 December 2011

We've got an idea for X-mas

Dear Friends,

Our students are waiting for your tasks:-) Be active. Let's create some activities about Christmas:-)

Laima and Lina

Do you know

Room ceiling plaster edge had 24 m of decorative tape. What is the length of the room, if we know that the width is 4 m.

Goda 5a 