This is a blog created to the Etwinning Project Fun and Math. A project directed to mathematics, focused on funny and stimulating activities for children, enabling them to gain some interest and pleasure for this subject, but also explore their logical-mathematical thinking abilities and skills. With this project we intend to share challenges, problems, online games and tasks that allow children to improve their performance in Math.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
The fox and the bear
In the same time when a fox eats 2 fishes, a bear eats 3 fishes. They eat together 10 fishes. How many fishes eat the bear?
Father and his sons
A father is 38 years old. He has four children: 8, 6, 4 and 2 years old. How many years later the father will have the same age like his sons together (at that time)?
Grandfather Ulysses Collection
Grandfather Ulysses keeps his collection of coins in boxes like this one.
O avô Ulisses guarda a sua coleção de moedas em caixas como esta.

1- How can we quickly count the coins? Explain your strategy to count the coins?
2- He has 11 boxes like this one. How many coins does he have?
1- Como é que podemos contar rapidamente as moedas. Explica como fizeste?
2- Sabendo que ele tem 11 caixas como esta, quantas moedas tem o avô Ulisses?
Friday, 28 October 2011
An Unpleasant Trick !!!

on them.Just not to make Ebru upset Erdoğan,Gizem,Furkan and Berkay without
knowing what they will face give her their watches.Ebru sets the watches that
she had taken from her friends a few minutes backward.
Before Ebru borrows Erdoğan,Gizem,Furkan and
Berkay’s watches,their watches show the correct time as they are written below
Erdoğan’s watch is 3 minutes back from the actual
Gizem’s watch is 10 minutes back from the actual
Furkan’s watch is 4 minutes back from the actual
Berkay's watch is 9 minutes back from the actual
When Erdoğan,Gizem,Furkan and Berkay take their
watches from Ebru,they realize that there is something wrong because it has
already been too late and they had realized what was wrong too late.
So, in accordiance to this:
1)When Erdoğan’s watch shows 12.35, what time does
Furkan’s watch show?
2)When Berkay's watch show 15.30, what time does
Gizem's watch show?
3) If these four friends went to meet each other
at an arranged time ,what time difference would there be between the one who
comes the second and the one who comes the fourth? ( Taking their own watches’
time in to consideration)
Hello friends
Dear Friends,
We're happy to join Fun and Maths project. We hope our ideas will be useful for you and your students.
A kiss from Lithuania
Laima and Lina
We're happy to join Fun and Maths project. We hope our ideas will be useful for you and your students.
A kiss from Lithuania
Laima and Lina
Monday, 24 October 2011
The School BUS !!!
Furkan is a student at Tevfik İleri Anatolian High School. He goes to school by bus everyday. The bus stop is 10 minutes away from Furkan’s house. The buses runs every 5 minutes from the bus stop. All the buses arrives the school at equal times. (For example if one bus arrives at the school in 15 minutes the other on arrives at the same time. ) The school starts at 8.30 am .Furkan usually leaves home at 8.00 am and he arrives at school just on time.One day Furkan gets late to school and leaves home at 8.13 am.Therefore when he arrrives at school, what time does the time chime?( The first bus pases the bus stop at 7.00 am.)
Tial Project Team !!!
Friday, 21 October 2011
The Cube Painter
Carlos built a large cube with 64 small cubes of the same size. Then he decided to paint with gray five faces of the large cube, as we can see in the picture. How many small cubes are there with three gray faces?
O Carlos construíu um cubo grande a partir de 64 cubos pequenos do mesmo tamanho. Depois, decidiu pintar a cinzento 5 faces do cubo grande, como podemos ver na figura. Quantos cubos pequenos é que ficaram com 3 faces cinzentas?
Adapted by Monte Flor Teacher Rui Lima from Canguru Matemático - Prova Escolar 2010
Passeio à montanha - On a trip to the mountain
Num passeio à montanha,a Maria apanhou um raminho de sargaços e papoilas. Quando chegou a casa colocou as flores numa jarra.
- Que lindo ramo!- disse a mãe.- Apanhaste 6 flores, o mesmo número dos teus anos.
A Maria contou as pétalas dos sargaços e das papoila e disse:
-Já viste mamã, as 6 flores têm ao todo 28 pétalas, é mesmo a tua idade!
1) Sabendo que a papoila tem 4 pétalas e o sargaço tem 5, quantas papoilas apanhou a Maria?
Explica como encontraste a resposta. Poderás usar desenhos, palavras ou operações matemáticas.
On a trip to the mountain, Maria picked up a sprig of seaweed and poppy. When she got home put the flowers in a vase. - What a beautiful bunch of flowers! - Said the mother of Maria .- you caught six flowers, the same number of thy years. Maria found the number of petals of the poppy and seagrass beds and said: -Have you seen Mom, the six flowers have 28 petals, it is your age! 1) Knowing that the poppy has four (4) petals and seaweed has five (5) , how many poppies picked up Mary? Explains how to find the answer. You can use drawings, words, or mathematical operations. |
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Resolve o problema/Solve the problem
Numa fruteira havia 18 pêras, 22 laranjas e 12 bananas. Ao almoço e ao jantar a família da Carolina comeu metade das laranjas e metade das bananas.
1º- Que quantidade de fruta foi comida ao todo?
2º- Quantas peças de fruta sobraram?
There were in a bowl, 18 pears , 22 oranges and 12 bananas . For lunch and dinner Carolina's family ate half oranges and half bananas.
1st - How much fruit was eaten at all?
2nd-How many pieces of fruit left over?
1º- Que quantidade de fruta foi comida ao todo?
2º- Quantas peças de fruta sobraram?
There were in a bowl, 18 pears , 22 oranges and 12 bananas . For lunch and dinner Carolina's family ate half oranges and half bananas.
1st - How much fruit was eaten at all?
2nd-How many pieces of fruit left over?
Material Escolar - Writing Supplies
O Tiago foi comprar material escolar e a sua mãe disse-lhe que podia escolher apenas um lápis, uma caneta, um afia-lápis e uma borracha. Na papelaria havia lápis vermelhos, amarelos e laranjas, havia canetas das marcas Bic e Maped, afia-lápis do Homem-Aranha e do Faísca McQueen e borrachas brancas ou verdes.
Quantas combinações de material pode o Tiago fazer?
Quantas combinações de material pode o Tiago fazer?

Tiago went to buy writing supplies and his mother said he could only buy one pencil, one pen, one pencil sharpener and an eraser. At the stationary there were red, yellow and orange pencils, there were pens of Bic and MAPED brands, Spiderman and Lightning McQueen pencil-sharpeners and white or green eraser.
How many combinations can Tiago do?
Activity created by 3rd graders from Colégio Monte Flor
Friday, 7 October 2011
Iberian Wolf
Em Portugal, o Lobo Ibérico é uma espécie muito ameaçada. No território nacional existem cerca de 50 alcateias, distribuídas pela região norte do país. Cada alcateia é composta por um casal Alfa (2), por não mais do que dois lobos do ano anterior e por vezes, por algumas crias (duas ou três). Faz a estimativa de quantos lobos haverá em Portugal.
In Portugal, the Iberian Wolf is a very threatened species. In the country there are about 50 packs, distributed throughout the northern region. Each pack is composed of an Alfa couple (2), for no more than two immature wolves and sometimes, for some offspring (two or three). Estimate how many wolves there are in Portugal.
In Portugal, the Iberian Wolf is a very threatened species. In the country there are about 50 packs, distributed throughout the northern region. Each pack is composed of an Alfa couple (2), for no more than two immature wolves and sometimes, for some offspring (two or three). Estimate how many wolves there are in Portugal.
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