Monday, 26 March 2012

Flashcards - Problems

Flashcards is a great tool to use by pupils and by teachers! At Colégio Monte Flor we are huge fans of this web 2.0 tool created by Miscrosoft. You just need a windows live/hotmail account. If you don't have it's easy to creat one.

This year, our 3rd graders have been using a lot and so we decided to create a Flashcard Deck with some funny problems you can solve during Easter Vacations!

Access this Flashcards Deck by clickin here.

Colégio Monte Flor, 3rd Grade

Mouse Mischief Activity

Dear Math Fans and Partners
We bring you here a very cool PowerPoint Presentation to use with Microsoft Mouse Mischief! We already posted on this blog a resource like this one before.
For those who don't remember here is a brief description of what is Mouse Mischief and the link to download it.

Mouse Mischief integrates into Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, letting you insert questions, polls, and drawing activity slides into your lessons. Students can actively participate in these lessons by using their own mice to click, circle, cross out, or draw answers on the screen.

Here is the resource.

You should download Mouse Mischief first, install it on your computer and then you can download the presentation by clicking on the bottom right corner of the presentation above and then click on Download . Follow all these steps, other way you'll not be able to use the interactive presentation.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Spring tasks from Lithuania are waiting for you

The distance between Tom‘s house and school is 1 km. He went  2/5 km and remembered that he had left his schoolbag at home. What was the distance he went to no purpose?
Goda 5a

Tom had 7 sweets and Martynas had 5 sweets more than Tom. Eve had 3 times more sweets than Tom and Martynas together. How many sweets did children have all together?
Evelina 5a

Eve had a nice birthday cake. She invited seven friends to her party. How can she divide the cake into eight pieces making only three  cuts?
Rugilė 5a

       It’s Easter Bunny basket with eggs. How many triangles can you see?

Greda 5a

There are rabbits in the forest. They are fed three times every day.  They get 3 kg of carrots, and 2 kg of cabbage. How many kg they get every week.
Rūta 5a

The  ambulance on its way to the hospital met three vans, two cars and a horse. How many cars were driving to the hospital?
Gabrielė 5a

Good Luck