Monday, 23 May 2011

Tevfik İleri Anadolu Lisesi Rize Turkey

How many oranges are here?

A shopkeeper builds a similar piles of oranges but with one extra layer.How many oranges would this have?

What size of pile could you build with a box of 200 oranges?

Tevfik İleri Anadolu Lisesi Rize Turkey - Jelly Bean

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Coffees and Muffins

George bought 3 coffees and paid 1euro and 50 cents. Michael paid 2 euros and 40 cents for 2 muffins. How much will spend Anna for 1 coffee and 1 muffin?

Colégio Monte Flor - Portugal - 2nd grade

Wednesday, 11 May 2011